Selina is our Diaconal Minister.
Deacons belong to a religious order within the Methodist Church and are ordained Ministers. Currently the Order has over 280 diaconal ministers scattered throughout the British Isles who follow a common Rule of Life. They appoint a full-time Warden from among their number and meet annually at Convocation and in Area Group meetings. Deacons are called to the sacrament of service wherever they are, following the command of Jesus to serve others.
I am delighted to be attached to All Saints and Trinity Churches in Abingdon.
To scratch the surface, my primary, though not sole focus, is to work with children and families within Abingdon, although my ministry does call me to other parts of the circuit also. I exercise this within a local school, offering pastoral support sessions, and where I am now a school governor. I also run a thriving toddler group, as well as supporting individuals going through particularly
difficult periods in their lives.
I am passionate about social justice issues, and am training to be a domestic abuse champion for this part of Oxfordshire. I am involved in services at churches across the circuit, and really appreciate sharing the liberating and comforting news of God’s love for everyone, especially at life’s more poignant moments, such as baptisms, weddings and funerals.
Registered Charity no. 1184115
01235 520282
All Saints Methodist Church
Appleford Drive
OX14 2AQ
There is free parking in our car park behind the Church in Dorchester Crescent.