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All We Can at Creation Fest

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Creation Fest is a free Christian festival, gathering from 3 to 6 August at the Royal Cornwall Events Centre. It has worship and music at its core, alongside speakers and communicators from the Christian world. This year's theme is Rhythm of Faith, asking what it means to live with faith in the 21st century.

All We Can, the Methodist development and relief organisation, will have a stall in the marketplace, next to the worship centre. They will bring a tandem bike to model the way they partner with local communities to 'do development differently' – not giving aid but supporting and empowering communities to help themselves. The tandem illustrates the community being in the driving seat.

They hope to encourage individuals and churches to partner with them, working to see every person's potential fulfilled.

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01235 520282

All Saints Methodist Church
Appleford Drive
OX14 2AQ

There is free parking in our car park behind the Church in Dorchester Crescent.

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