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Lent reflection – Ash Wednesday

Lent 1 Wednesday 17 February

by Deacon Selina

The Triumphal Entry
by contemporary Ukrainian artist- Oleksandr Antonyuk.

What struck me about this work was the vulnerability of Christ as he rides on a donkey into Jerusalem. Not a strong leader ready to overturn the Roman Empire, but a God of peace, coming to overthrow the old order of hatred and revenge.

Upon a donkey's back, the king of love rode by,
there was no turning back,
whatever they might cry.
The prophet's dream, the promised king
for whom they sing, comes to redeem.

The people thronged about, threw clothing in his way;
'Hosanna Lord', they shout,
and palms before him lay.
How could they know that he had come,
God's only Son, to be laid low?

Into Jerusalem to face the power of sin,
the child of Bethlehem
for humankind rode in,
knowing that he the cross must face,
must take his place for you and me.
From a hymn by Colin Ferguson

Lord Jesus,during this season of Lent I turn to you. Help me to reflect on the stories of your life, death and resurrection, and understand better the depth of your love for me. Amen

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